Innovative solutions

What we do

We design and manufacture sustainable urban furniture and equipment, obtained through rejected plastic waste and other organic materials that cannot be revalued. We work with our clients' own waste, whether they are administrations or private companies, who wish to convert what they until now considered NON-recyclable waste into raw materials.

What we recycle

Rejected plastics that are currently NOT recyclable, destined for incineration or burial in landfills or landfills

We therefore ensure the circularity and traceability of the reject plastic that we manage from a variety of clients, clean points and public or private landfills.

We address a climate emergency problem (obsolescence of plastic and its polluting waste).

The sharp increase in consumption generates a large amount of rejected plastic (of urban, industrial and agricultural origin) that poses a threat to the environment and that RECIKLOS can avoid.

We reuse non-hazardous plastics that recycling and reuse systems reject, of urban, industrial and agricultural origin for their transformation into profiles or urban furniture (final product).

With our own manufacturing model and permanent research, it allows us to offer different services/products that combine environmental, social and economic sustainability.


Redes de pesca


Residuos industriales


Residuos agricultura



How we do it

We recycle and transform rejected plastics into new products with high added value, through a process of crushing, agglomeration and extrusion, obtaining a unique product that we call Liston RECIKLOS with a useful life of more than 30 years.

We entirely manufacture all products in our associated factories, certifying their traceability.

Our way of working is fully aligned with the circular economy and we focus on resources following a model based on Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle.

Recycled products we offer

Equipamiento y Mobiliario Urbano (1)

Urban furniture








Light return

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